Professional Development

AARC encourages the continuing evolution of the respiratory care workforce by promoting professional development and continuing education to ensure competent, safe, and effective patient care.

AARC International Respiratory Congress

AARC Congress

The AARC International Respiratory Congress is the largest cardiopulmonary show in the world, attracting more than 6,000 attendees annually. This four-day annual meeting is packed with lectures, networking opportunities, and a state-of-the-art exhibit hall with the latest in cardiorespiratory care technology.

AARC Summer Forum

AARC Summer Forum

Management and education topics are the focus in this three-day annual Summer Forum. Presentations from experts in general and health care management provide RC managers and educators with topics designed to keep them on the cutting edge.

AARC University

AARC University

AARC University is an online continuing education portal that is rich with courses and information that help you learn about cutting edge topics and earn continuing education credits.

Courses and Workshops

Throughout the year, various respiratory care workshops and courses are offered at locations around the country. In the past, such topics have included asthma management, patient assessment, indoor air pollution, VAP, and more.

NBRC Discount

All AARC members are eligible to receive a one-time NBRC discount of $40 off the following NBRC exams: Clinical Simulation, RPFT, CPFT, ACCS, SDS, or NPS.

Start taking advantage of all the benefits and services that come with AARC membership.

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