Can a scavenger hunt help lead to lifelong members? One program director is putting that theory to the test with her students.
AARC member Helena F. Medkiff, MSHCM, RRT, RRT-NPS, RPFT, AE-C, is currently the director of clinical education respiratory therapy and assistant professor of clinical cardiopulmonary science at Louisiana State University, School of Allied Health Professions. She teaches a respiratory fundamentals course at LSU, the first course students take that is specific to the respiratory system.
Beyond membership enrollment
Medkiff’s students are required to become student members of the AARC, but she doesn’t stop there in getting them more involved. During the second semester of her class, students take part in a virtual scavenger hunt assignment. The assignment involves the students visiting the multiple AARC websites and resources, to help them learn of all the benefits that come along with being a member.
Medkiff says she wants her students to remain lifelong members of the AARC.
“I want them to see the benefits of membership and know of the resources available to them through AARC and AARCConnect,” Medkiff, said.
Tools to help you
Resources like Mentoring Excellence: AARC & Lifelong Learning, a student engagement book available to all AARC members, helped Medkiff develop this activity. She received the idea for her scavenger hunt from this resource and went on to make it specific to her students.
More for educators
AARC supports educators like Medkiff, who are determined to impact their students’ lives even after graduation. In addition to the Mentoring Excellence book, check out the other resources for educators:
- Exam Prep for Educators
- Preceptor Training Course
- Respiratory Care Education Annual
- Scholarships and Grants
- Transitioning from an Associate Degree Program to a Baccalaureate Degree Program
And finally, take a moment to recognize your preceptors through the Education Section Preceptor Recognition Program.
Email with questions or comments, we’d love to hear from you.