Articles by: Addie Schiefer

ALS Multidisciplinary Clinics – A Model That’s Making a Difference

February 26, 2020

ALS Multidisciplinary Clinics – A Model That’s Making a Difference

Cynthia Knoche, RRT, MBA, shares how ALS multidisciplinary clinics are relying on respiratory therapists to approve patient care.

 Addie Schiefer

Above and Beyond | Recruiting Future RTs

February 26, 2020

Above and Beyond | Recruiting Future RTs

Going above and beyond your everyday job and attend career fairs to recruit the next generation of RTs. We include a couple tips to help you.

 Addie Schiefer

Good Press | February 2020

February 19, 2020

Good Press | February 2020

This month’s edition of Good Press features members saving lives, celebrating milestones, and sharing expertise with local news outlets.

 Addie Schiefer

Mechanical Ventilation Alarm Safety

February 12, 2020

Mechanical Ventilation Alarm Safety

Enable cookies to see embeded content. As part of the Big Ideas Theater 2019, Associate Professor, Director of Clinical Education at Rush University Brady Scott, MSc, RRT, RRT-ACCS, AE-C, FAARC, discusses mechanical ventilation alarm safety and how the sounds you hear in a medical setting could be changing. Watch More Big Ideas Theater Scott explains... Read more »

 Addie Schiefer

#AARCmemberforlife | Virtual Scavenger Hunt Shows Value of Membership

February 12, 2020

#AARCmemberforlife | Virtual Scavenger Hunt Shows Value of Membership

AARC member Helena F. Medkiff, MSHCM, RRT, RRT-NPS, RPFT, AE-C, is currently the director of clinical education respiratory therapy and assistant professor of clinical cardiopulmonary science at Louisiana State University, School of Allied Health Professions. She teaches a respiratory fundamentals course at LSU, the first course students take that is specific to the respiratory system. Medkiff’s students are required to become student members of the AARC, but she doesn’t stop there in getting them more involved. During the second semester of her class, students take part in a virtual scavenger hunt assignment. The assignment involves the students visiting the multiple AARC websites and resources, to help them learn of all the benefits that come along with being a member.

 Addie Schiefer

Good Press – January 2020

January 22, 2020

Good Press – January 2020

This month's edition of Good Press features members receiving awards, helping a patient with a mystery illness, and sharing their expertise with the local news.

 Addie Schiefer

Now Accepting Abstracts for the 2021 OPEN FORUM

January 17, 2018

Now Accepting Abstracts for the 2021 OPEN FORUM

OPEN FORUM serves as a great platform for members of the respiratory care profession to share original research with their colleagues.

 Addie Schiefer

Heading to the New Era

Elevate | Engage | Advocate | Educate

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