Good Press | February 2020

 Published: February 19, 2020

By: Addie Schiefer

Good Press: Gary Jones, EMT-P, RRT
Gary Jones, EMT-P, RRT
Good Press: Jane Martin, BA, LRT, CRT
Jane Martin, BA, LRT, CRT
Good Press: Kathleen Clark, RRT
Kathleen Clark, RRT

Gary Jones, EMT-P, RRT, director of the Heart and Vascular Center at the University of Maryland Shore Regional Health, was featured by The Talbot Spy and other news outlets honoring his 50 years of service. He is currently serving in a contractual role with Regional Health after retiring in 2019. Read the full story 

Jane Martin, BA, LRT, CRT, recently shared her expertise with Health Central about COPD and dietary habits. Having a balanced diet can have positive effects on those suffering from COPD. Read the full story 

Kathleen Clark, RRT, was recently featured in Cumberland Times-News for helping save a man’s life. A Frostburg man’s heart stopped beating at Mountain Ridge High School wrestling match in January. Read the full story  

Michelle Collins, RRT, was featured on Rural Health Leadership Radio to share her expertise in respiratory and cardiac care. Not only asking questions but asking the right questions can significantly improve your patient’s treatment. Read the full story 

Mini Mathew, RRT, shared her expertise on pulmonary function tests (PFT) with NBC2 News. Patients with any kind of heart or lung trauma are encouraged to take a PFT. Read the full story

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