Articles tagged with: Chronic Disease

Keeping Your COPD Patients Out of the Hospital

October 30, 2019

Keeping Your COPD Patients Out of the Hospital

What does it mean to help COPD patients avoid having to go to the hospital? How is this a benefit for the patient? AARC member Renato Galindo, BSRC, RRT, CPFT, AE-C, shared his thoughts on the subject as well as tips for RTs. What does it mean to help COPD patients avoid having to go... Read more »


COPD Data on Perceptions – What RTs Need to Know

July 24, 2019

COPD Data on Perceptions – What RTs Need to Know

Earlier this year, the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute released their 2018 COPD report: “Tracking Perceptions of the Individuals Affected and the Providers Who Treat Them.” AARC Member Mike Hess, RRT, RPFT, shares his insight on the report. Key Findings “I think the key finding from the report is that COPD is still in... Read more »


Establishing Definitions for Pediatric ARDS

July 17, 2019

Establishing Definitions for Pediatric ARDS

Enable cookies to see embeded content. Neal Thomas, MD, FCCM, of Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical Center, talks Pediatric ARDS in this episode of Big Ideas Theater. Dr. Thomas focuses on the importance of establishing definitions for pediatric ARDS, in addition to the use of adult definitions. “We found that they [the adult definitions]... Read more »


AARC Member Co-authors Inhaler Study

June 26, 2019

AARC Member Co-authors Inhaler Study

A new study published in the Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare takes a closer look at electronic inhaler monitoring for patients with COPD, and AARC member Richard Rice, MEd, RRT, research coordinator in the Respiratory Institute at the Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, OH, is one of the co-authors. The study was conducted among 39 patients... Read more »


Exploring Patient Advocacy – Len Geiger’s Story

June 5, 2019

Exploring Patient Advocacy – Len Geiger’s Story

Enable cookies to see embeded content. As part of Big Ideas Theater 2018, Len Geiger shares his story of Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency, being diagnosed at 35 years of age. Geiger’s experience with seeking diagnosis and learning more about the deficiency distinctly shaped his future. Geiger moved on to get more involved with the Alpha-1 Foundation,... Read more »


New Treatments for COPD: What RTs Need to Know

February 21, 2019

New Treatments for COPD: What RTs Need to Know

RTs know COPD as a disease that’s mainly treated with inhaled and systemic medications, lifestyle changes, and ideally, pulmonary rehabilitation. But several new treatments are coming down the pike as well. Here’s what you need to know about them – Targeted Lung Denervation In targeted lung denervation (TLD), a special catheter is passed through a... Read more »


FDA Approves First Generic Version of Advair

February 13, 2019

FDA Approves First Generic Version of Advair

Asthma and COPD patients who use the Advair Diskus got some good news last week when the FDA approved the first generic version of the respiratory medication. Generic Advair Diskus is indicated for the twice-daily treatment of asthma in patients aged four years and older and maintenance treatment of airflow obstruction and reducing exacerbations in... Read more »


The Role of ECLS in Influenza-Related ARDS

January 8, 2019

The Role of ECLS in Influenza-Related ARDS

By Madison Fratzke, RRT, RRT-ACCS, and Keith Lamb, RRT, RRT-ACCS, FAARC, FCCM Introduction Influenza can lead to respiratory failure which can evolve into significant Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS). Standard treatment for significant ARDS is invasive positive pressure ventilation which in and of itself may cause deleterious secondary inflammatory processes leading to a precipitous increase... Read more »


Developing COPD Peer Support Groups

November 28, 2018

Developing COPD Peer Support Groups

Patient Education is an important tool for self-care. This GateWay Community College student is teaching diaphragmatic breathing by demonstrating and getting the patient to return-demonstration during pulmonary rehab at the clinic. (Photo Courtesy of Gateway Community College) Giving your COPD patients a network of peer support offers a platform for empathy and understanding. It’s a... Read more »


3 Things RTs Can Do to Improve Quality of Life for COPD Patients

November 14, 2018

3 Things RTs Can Do to Improve Quality of Life for COPD Patients

Often COPD can impair a patient’s quality of life. What can RTs do to help their patients improve their quality of life? Stephanie Williams, BS, RRT, director of community programs, with the COPD Foundation offers tips for working with your COPD patients and helping improve their quality of life. November is COPD Awareness Month Tip... Read more »


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