Articles tagged with: Chronic Disease

The Emerging Role of the Respiratory Therapist in PAH

January 29, 2020

The Emerging Role of the Respiratory Therapist in PAH

Enable cookies to see embeded content. As part of Big Ideas Theater 2019, Tonya Zeiger, RRT, CPFT, discusses the vital role respiratory therapists play in delivering care to patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension. She explains how educational opportunities have grown through the partnering of the AARC and Pulmonary Hypertension Association to develop courses and credits... Read more »


Study Says: RTs Offer Value as Inpatient COPD Educators

December 4, 2019

Study Says: RTs Offer Value as Inpatient COPD Educators

A study published ahead of print by Hospital Topics on Oct. 17 found a COPD inpatient education program using existing respiratory therapy staff in an academic health system in Pennsylvania reduced hospital length of stay and associated costs. AARC member Daniel Ofak, RRT, RRT-NPS, who recently took on a new job as director of respiratory... Read more »


Expanding COPD Care Through Patient Education

December 4, 2019

Expanding COPD Care Through Patient Education

Patient care reaches far beyond the hospital doors. And it’s through patient education opportunities where your care exponentially expands. Mike Hess, MPH, RRT, RPFT, a lung disease coordinator in Michigan, shares his tips in looking beyond the basics when it comes to COPD patient education opportunities. Know your medicine “First and foremost, I always recommend... Read more »


COPD: Tips for Patient Education

November 22, 2019

COPD: Tips for Patient Education

Camp Breathless proved to be an invaluable education opportunity for patients with COPD. Fostering an environment where your patients with COPD can take ownership of their disease, learning to best manage and recognize their symptoms. This starts with patient education. Mary Hart, MS, RRT, AEC, FAARC, FCCP, offers her tips and advice for helping educate... Read more »


Helping Your Patients Improve their Indoor Air Quality

November 22, 2019

Helping Your Patients Improve their Indoor Air Quality

The air we breathe makes a difference in our health, and that goes double for people with respiratory conditions. Patients with chronic lung conditions like asthma and COPD know outdoor factors like pollen and cold air can trigger their symptoms, but many may not be as aware of the fact that indoor air quality issues... Read more »


The COPD National Action Plan – Tracking Progress

November 20, 2019

The COPD National Action Plan – Tracking Progress

In keeping with November as COPD Awareness Month, the AARC participated in a recent meeting convened by the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI) to discuss progress members of the COPD community have made in meeting goals and objectives laid out in the COPD National Action Plan (CNAP). Representatives from organizations from across the... Read more »


COPD Tips for Reducing Readmissions

November 20, 2019

COPD Tips for Reducing Readmissions

Improving quality of life for your patients—particularly those working to manage their COPD—remains a top priority for respiratory therapists. Helping your patients stay strong, healthy, and knowledgeable to manage their symptoms, thereby avoiding the hospital, helps strengthen their quality of life. Julie Smith, MHA, RRT, manager of respiratory care and ECLS services at Unity Point... Read more »


RTs Make Positive Impact in COPD Care

November 14, 2019

RTs Make Positive Impact in COPD Care

Respiratory therapists play a key role in caring for patients with COPD. Because of this, RTs have the unique opportunity to make a positive impact in delivering care. We checked in with Post-Acute Care Chair Adam Mullaly, BSRT, RRT, AE-C, a COPD navigator with Bryn Mawr Hospital, for his input on this topic. Here’s what... Read more »


How RTs are Involved in the Early Diagnosis of COPD

November 14, 2019

How RTs are Involved in the Early Diagnosis of COPD

COPD can be a devastating disease, but when caught in the early stages, the prognosis is encouraging for patients who follow their treatment regimen and make the lifestyle changes necessary to slow the progress. The problem is, most patients aren’t diagnosed until the condition has done significant damage to the lungs and quality of life... Read more »


Value of Nicotine Cessation Training for COPD Care

November 5, 2019

Value of Nicotine Cessation Training for COPD Care

“COPD has remained as one of the top five causes of death in America for years,” said Gabrielle N. Davis MPH, RRT-ACCS, NPS, CTTS, CHES. “Regardless of readmissions, nicotine addiction attributes to this rate.” Helping patients with nicotine cessation targets the goal to increase the quality of life for the patient. “Because COPD is an... Read more »


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