The AARC will send mailings to its active membership. Customers can select the AARC list by state, job title, or credentials (see Selection Options below).
Requirements for List Rental
- A sample of the mailing piece must be provided (it can be a draft and mock-up) including all components (letters, envelopes, flyers, etc.). Send your sample in PDF format. Note: the mailing piece sent to AARC members cannot bear an indicia (a marking used as a substitute for a stamp) or the indicia must be obscured.
- Requests can be filtered by states, credentials or by job titles.
- Upon receipt of the list request, we will provide the customer with a list count which the customer must approve before we continue with the order.
- When approved, the customer must provide payment by either check or credit card before the list will be released to the mailing service.
- Lists are for one time use only.
Selection Options
In addition to states you may also filter your list by:
Primary Job Responsibility
- Director / Manager / Supervisor
- Pulmonary Function Specialist
- Instructor/Educator
- Staff Therapist
- Sleep Specialist
- Student
- MD
Without the express written permission of the AARC, customer shall not:
- Claim in any way to represent the AARC in any Mailing
- Use the AARC’s name, logo, trademark, or trade name associated with the AARC.
Items That Cannot Be Mailed
The AARC’s policy prohibits mailings for the purposes of or to:
- Research
- Promote publishers of other magazines/newsletters
- Solicit membership to societies/associations or subscriptions
- Solicit products and services that are outside the scope of the mission of the AARC.
- Promote meetings and educational conferences that feature exhibits of products and services. (Exception: non-profit medical facilities).
- Solicit of programs, products or services that compete with or conflict with programs, products or services that are offered and/or sponsored by the AARC.
The AARC retains absolute right to deny rental of the lists, with or without cause.