PR Programs Shine March 8-14

 Published: March 5, 2015

By: AARC Staff

With hospitals now facing stiff penalties for excessive readmissions for COPD, pulmonary rehabilitation has been given a new lease on life, and next week is the perfect time to show off your program.

man_treadmillPulmonary Rehabilitation Week kicks off on Sunday and runs through the 14th, so contact your local media and invite them to come out and see how your program is giving lives back to patients and helping hospitals combat the readmissions problem at the same time.

Our Local Public Relations is Effective Public Relations guidebook has all the tools you need to get started.

PR Week is also a great time to increase your own knowledge of COPD and other conditions that can benefit from your programs. The AARC has a wealth of resources for that too:

The AARC keeps you connected to your PR colleagues as well. Our Continuing Care/Rehabilitation Section gives you the chance to network with your peers from across the country via a dedicated discussion list on AARConnect, and the section also supports a quarterly Bulletin with articles written especially for section members, plus a monthly email newsletter with the latest scientific evidence supporting PR and the patients you serve.

So whether you capture some media coverage for your program next week, use the occasion to upgrade your team’s skills, or just take time out for a special outing with your patients, get out and celebrate Pulmonary Rehabilitation Week!

Email with questions or comments, we’d love to hear from you.

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