Certification Preparation Course for Asthma Educators
CRCE: 11.0 hours | Cost: $150 for AARC members, $250 for non-members
The only Asthma Educator Certification Preparation Course you need.
By taking the AARC’s online Asthma Educator Certification Preparation Course, you can:
- Prepare yourself for the AE-C test offered by the NAECB®
- Earn CRCE credits
- Refresh your personal knowledge about asthma care
The AARC Asthma Educator Certification Preparation Course has been assisting RTs and RNs since the NAECB® debuted the AE-C® examination in 2002. Over 5,000 professionals have benefited from the collection of lectures, self-assessment examinations, and CRCE post-tests based on the content of the NHLBI Expert Panel Reports (EPR).
The AARC Asthma Educator Certification Preparation Course is perfect not only for studying for the NAECB® examination but also refreshing your knowledge and earning asthma-focused CRCE that may apply to renewing your AE-C® credential.
Seven Reasons to get an AE-C® Certification
- Validate your role as an asthma educator by a nationally recognized and respected certification board.
- Pave a new career path in a home, clinic, or acute care-based asthma program.
- Potentially add reimbursement opportunities for you and your employer for asthma educational services.
- Be the first certified asthma educator in your department.
- Climb your department’s career ladder.
- Increase your value to your employer.
- Provide your patients with assurance of your expertise as a certified asthma educator
Asthma Educator Certification Preparation Course Learning Objectives:
- Describe key content areas covered by the National Asthma Education Certification Board (NAECB®) examination
- Identify key skills for asthma educators
- Describe the difference between obstructive and restrictive disease
- Explain how to assure definitive and reproducible pulmonary function testing results
- Discuss the pitfalls to communication
- Explain various questioning techniques
- Explain current best practice of pharmacologic management of asthma
- Compare the characteristics of different inhalation devices currently available and define patterns of acceptable inhalation technique for each
- Explain the rationale/role and value of patient education
- Identify barriers to effective learning
- Describe strategies and techniques to improve test-taking techniques
Asthma Educator Certification Preparation Course
Conflict of Interest/Commercial Support Statement
None of the planners, faculty or their spouses has any relationships with pharmaceutical companies, biomedical device manufacturers and/or corporations whose products or services are related to pertinent therapeutic areas. Off-label: (using products for a purpose other than that for which it was approved by the Food and Drug Administration) use will not be discussed in this course. This educational activity has not received commercial support.
- Karen L. Gregory discloses that she serves on the speakers bureau for Novartis, Monaghan Medical, and ALK. Bill Galvin discloses that he has publishing relationships with W.B. Saunders, Elsevier, Delmar/Thompson Learning, and Jones and Bartlett Publishers. Content reviewers have evaluated this activity for potential bias and have found that the course is balanced in presentation and evidence-based content is provided.
- None of the other presenters or planning committee members in this course have declared a conflict of interest related to their participation in this course.
- Brand names may be mentioned as examples of technology but are not endorsed by the AARC or any of the presenters or planning committee members.
- Participants who attend the entire activity, complete the post-test satisfactorily (70% or higher) and complete an evaluation form will earn 11.0 contact hours.
The AARC’s Asthma Educator Certification Prep Course is not associated with the NAECB® and its products or services have not been reviewed or endorsed by the NAECB®.