Take advantage of your member benefit by voting in this year’s AARC election.
All Active and Life members as of Aug. 28, 2022, of the American Association for Respiratory Care may vote online for 2023 officers, directors-at-large, and the specialty section chair* positions. *NOTE — Only specialty section members may vote for specialty section chairs.
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- Check your junk mail folder.
- Confirm your email and membership status with Customer Service at (972) 243-2272 or info@aarc.org.
- Email newsroom@aarc.org to request the emailed invitation be sent to you. Staff will confirm eligibility before sending an invitation email.
Eligible AARC members will receive an email invitation to vote later this month. Voting reminders will be sent as needed throughout the election period. Voting polls close on Monday, Oct. 3 at 11:59 p.m. CDT
Email newsroom@aarc.org with questions or comments, we’d love to hear from you.