August 17, 2023
AARC members John Gallagher, MPH, RRT, RRT-NPS, FAARC, and David Goswick, MPA, RRT, were featured in an article on about a new partnership between their two colleges that has resulted in a bachelor’s degree program for respiratory care that will be launched this fall. Read it Here
AARC member Jeff Gonzalez, RRT, RRT-NPS, was featured in an article on about the importance of sleep for kids going back to school. Read it Here
AARC member Mandy De Vries M.S.-RCL/Ed, RRT, RRT-NPS Director of Education, and the AARC are currently included on Thrillist, in an article titled, “The ‘Tridemic’ Is Here. Should We Be Wearing Masks While Traveling?” Read it Here
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