AARC Press Kit

Image of stethoscope on table

Company Overview

Founded in 1947, the American Association of Respiratory Care (AARC) is the leading national and international professional association for respiratory care. We encourage and promote professional excellence, advance the science and practice of respiratory care, and advocate for patients, their families, the public, the profession, and the respiratory therapist.

Supporting more than 47,000 members worldwide, the AARC is a not-for-profit professional association headquartered in Irving, TX. Members include respiratory therapists, physicians, and other health care professionals. The AARC is dedicated to assisting persons with respiratory diseases, helping them receive safe and effective care.

Learn more about the AARC

Key Personnel

AARC Executive Team

  • Tom Kallstrom, Executive Director
  • Doug Laher, Associate Executive Director – Conventions & AARC Times
  • Shawna Strickland, Associate Executive Director – Education, Customer Service & Membership
  • Steve Nelson, Associate Executive Director – IT & Spirometry Training Program
  • Tim Myers, Associate Executive Director – Brands Management
  • Anne Marie Hummel, Associate Executive Director – Advocacy and Government Affairs

All AARC Staff

Media Contact

For media inquiries, contact:

Heather Willden, Communications Coordinator
9425 North MacArthur Blvd., Suite 100
Irving, TX 75063
email: heather.willden@aarc.org
phone: 972-406-4657

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AARC Times


Heading to the New Era

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