AARC Asks President Obama to Act Now

 Published: May 1, 2015

By: AARC Staff

The FDA proposed a regulation to extend its authority over all unregulated tobacco products – including e-cigarettes, hookahs, and cigars – more than a year ago.

Now the AARC has joined 30 fellow organizations in writing to President Obama urging him to quickly act on that proposal to ensure children are protected against the aggressive marketing campaigns launched by the manufacturers of these products. We ask that Obama regulate all tobacco products.

“We cannot afford more delays that allow tobacco companies to target our kids with a new generation of tobacco products,” says the letter, which was spearheaded by Tobacco-Free Kids.

For example, many of the tobacco products in question use flavors like cotton candy and gummy bear that appeal to kids, and recent statistics show a dramatic increase in calls to poison control centers resulting from children being exposed to liquid nicotine in e-cigarettes.

“This public health regulation is long overdue. Further delay will only serve the interests of the tobacco companies, which have a long history of using product design and marketing tactics to attract children to harmful and addictive products,” concludes the letter. “We ask for your leadership in ensuring your Administration quickly finalizes the regulation.”

You can do your part too, by taking to Twitter to spread the message. Here are a couple of tweets recommended by our partners in the Tobacco-Free Kids organization –

  • Please RT to tell @WhiteHouse to give @FDATobacco authority over ALL #tobaccoproducts, including #cigars & e-cigs. http://bit.ly/1Qg5DUU
  • Did you know there’s no federal oversight for ecigs & #cigars? @WhiteHouse must have @FDATobacco set common-sense rules NOW.

Email newsroom@aarc.org with questions or comments, we’d love to hear from you.

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