Treating Smoking in Cancer Patients: An Essential Component of Cancer Care

 Published: August 2, 2022


health care provider meeting with patient

The National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute, and Division of Cancer Control & Population Science have released a new Tobacco Control Monograph. The Monograph is number 23 in a series designed to provide scientific reviews of tobacco use to reduce cancer morbidity and mortality.

The Monograph states that:

“Smoking adversely impacts oncologic and other health-related outcomes among cancer patients, and individuals who smoke experience multiple benefits by quitting. This Monograph synthesizes the evidence that smoking cessation treatment increases the quit rate for patients who smoke, identifies evidence-based interventions that have the potential to enhance the delivery of smoking cessation treatment in the cancer care setting, discusses special considerations for medically underserved and vulnerable populations who smoke, and identifies important research gaps related to these topics.”

Read the complete Monograph document.
Related materials on the site include a fact sheet, presentation slides, and social media toolkit.

screenshot of monograph presentation slide

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