Articles tagged with: AARC News

RTs and patients come together at annual Summit

October 5, 2017

RTs and patients come together at annual Summit

The Respiratory Patient Advocacy Summit was held on Oct. 3 in Indianapolis, IN. Respiratory Therapists, along with patients and their caregivers, came together for the annual Respiratory Patient Advocacy Summit on Tuesday, Oct. 3 in Indianapolis, IN. Attendees collaborated to advocate for advancing the quality of care for chronic respiratory patients. Special guest speakers Claire... Read more »


Patient Advocacy Summit Speakers Share Personal Experiences and Struggles

August 24, 2017

Patient Advocacy Summit Speakers Share Personal Experiences and Struggles

Helping to kick off our 2017 Congress, the AARC will host its third annual Respiratory Patient Advocacy Summit meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 3, 2017. The Summit will include special guest speakers Claire Wineland and Grace Anne Dorney Koppel. Wineland and Dorney-Koppel will each share their perspective and insight in living with respiratory illness, as well... Read more »


2017 Patient Advocacy Award Recipient Announced

August 10, 2017

2017 Patient Advocacy Award Recipient Announced

Christine Hartling of Utah is the 2017 recipient of the National Respiratory Patient Advocacy Award. A collaborative effort between The FACES Foundation (Family and Caregiver, Education & Support) and the AARC, this award identifies and honors registered respiratory therapists from across the country who demonstrate excellence in compassionate care for patients and families. As part... Read more »

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Great Experiences Made at Summer Forum

July 31, 2017

Great Experiences Made at Summer Forum

The AARC hosted its annual Summer Forum in June, bringing together 430 attendees from across 46 states. From networking to learning, Summer Forum delivered great experiences for our members. “What I really liked about the Summer Forum was the opportunity to meet other therapists and learn their perspective on some of the issues and problems... Read more »


August is National Immunization Awareness Month

July 31, 2017

August is National Immunization Awareness Month

August is National Immunization Awareness Month, making this a great opportunity to remind your patients to get their appropriate vaccines. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), thousands of American adults get sick each year from diseases that vaccines can prevent. For patients with asthma or COPD, vaccines are an important step... Read more »


Join the Respiratory Patient Advocacy Summit at AARC Congress 2017

July 3, 2017

Join the Respiratory Patient Advocacy Summit at AARC Congress 2017

Register for the Summit Oct. 3, 2017 • Indianapolis, IN • 11:45 am–5:00 pm Registration deadline: Sept. 22, 2017 Do you have a passion for improving the quality of care and life for your respiratory patients and plan on attending AARC Congress 2017 in Indianapolis? Then join the movement and come to Congress one-day early to... Read more »


COPD National Action Plan Released

May 22, 2017

COPD National Action Plan Released

The AARC was on hand for the press conference held Monday morning to announce the COPD National Action Plan. The final version of the COPD National Action Plan was released May 23 during a panel discussion that took place during the American Thoracic Society conference in Washington, DC. “Sixteen million Americans have been diagnosed with... Read more »


CVS Cigarette Ban Linked to Higher Quit Rate

March 22, 2017

CVS Cigarette Ban Linked to Higher Quit Rate

Did the CVS decision to quit selling tobacco products in its nationwide chain of pharmacies really do any good? Yes it did, report Rhode Island researchers publishing in the April edition of the American Journal of Public Health — at least among regular cigarette purchasers at CVS. Using data on household cigarette purchasing, they found... Read more »


COPD Foundation Founder Passes Away

March 8, 2017

COPD Foundation Founder Passes Away

Photo Courtesy of the COPD Foundation/Alpha 1 Foundation The AARC was saddened to learn of the death of COPD Foundation Founder and Director Emeritus John Walsh, who passed away on Tuesday after complications from an accident he suffered last year. According to the COPD Foundation, Walsh “lived each day pushing himself to advocate for those... Read more »


“Dripping” is the Latest E-Cigarette Concern

February 15, 2017

“Dripping” is the Latest E-Cigarette Concern

Growing evidence suggests there are multiple harms associated with the use of e-cigarettes, and most respiratory therapists caution their patients against their use. Not only do these electronic devices contain dangerous chemicals like formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, and acrolein, they are also increasingly being used as a substitute for cigarettes rather than as a path to quitting.... Read more »


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