Your AARC membership has been activated!
We suggest you begin your journey with us in the following ways:
Take Note of Your Member Number
You’ve been assigned a member number and a password (it’s your member number plus your first and last initial in lower case). You’ll use it to login to various parts of our website and we’ve included it in the letter that brought you to this page.
Explore AARConnect
AARConnect is our private social network for AARC members and we have a community especially for students. You can converse with others from across the country. So fill out your profile, add a picture, and begin using it to its fullest.
Take a Look at our Publications
As a member of AARC, you can access Respiratory Care online. You will need to activate your Respiratory Care subscription, and that’s a free process. It may take up to 7 days after joining the AARC before your membership is available for activation on the Respiratory Care site. Once again, you’ll need your member number, but on this site you can create your own unique username and password if you like.
Be Aware of Your Discounts
Primary among those discounts as an AARC member is one in which you get $40 off an NBRC exam. You can’t use it for the Written exam, but you may use it for your Clinical Simulation or other specialty exams.
Acquaint Yourself with AARC University
You will become “fast friends” with AARC University once you graduate. Here you’ll be able to get the continuing education you need to maintain your license and NBRC credential. Take a look at some of our upcoming webcasts — another superb way to keep on top of your game as a respiratory therapist. We even have a channel for students with content you can use right now. Also take note of our Examination Preparation program that resides on AARC University, an excellent way for you to prepare for the NBRC exams ahead.
Watch this Short AARC Membership Video
Our short video introduces you to the basics of AARC membership, why it’s important to you, and what you’ll get out of it.
Welcome aboard. You’ve made a commitment to become a member of a great profession and it starts with membership in your professional association. We look forward to many great years together!