Participate in COPD Readmissions Live Video Stream

 Published: March 23, 2015

By: AARC Staff

AARC Executive Director Tom Kallstrom will be among the presenters on March 26 and 27, when the COPD Foundation is gathering a multidisciplinary group of experts in Washington, DC and across the country via live video stream to discuss challenges, share best practices, and create solutions to alleviate the burden of COPD hospital readmissions.

The inaugural summit—held October 2013—examined the extent of the problem and why readmissions occur; the 2nd COPD Readmissions Summit aims to build on that conversation by identifying best practice solutions. The Summit will address all phases within the COPD patient care sphere: acute care and admission, evidence-based treatment, continuity of care, discharge, follow-up, and at-home and long-term care.

Get More Information

To register, please visit the COPD Foundation page. For a limited time only, the COPD Foundation is offering a 25% discount to those who use the COPDFRIEND (please enter the code in the upper right hand corner when prompted during payment).

Participants, who represent a variety of disciplines, will seek to align on issues that have the potential to impact readmission rates for COPD. The 2nd COPD Readmissions Summit differentiates itself in that it is designed to encourage voices from all disciplines to actively participate in consensus discussions to create cutting edge, actionable strategies.

Email with questions or comments, we’d love to hear from you.

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