Free Course: Coordinating Spontaneous Breathing and Spontaneous Awakening

 Published: June 1, 2020

By: Heather Willden


image promoting the free course opportunity

During the month of June, the “Coordinating Spontaneous Breathing and Spontaneous Awakening” course is FREE to all respiratory therapists (member/non-member) thanks to an educational grant from MY MES. This course is approved for 1.0 CRCE.

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Coordinating the SBT with a spontaneous awakening trial maximizes success and speeds ventilator termination. Presented by Rich Kallet MS, RRT, FAARC, this lecture will discuss coordination by respiratory care and nursing to improve outcomes.

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About MY MES

MES, Inc. is a medical supply store in Seguin, TX. Since 1967, MES, Inc. provides quality products as well as service to respiratory therapy professionals and home care providers.

Email with questions or comments, we’d love to hear from you.

Heather Willden

Heather Willden is the Director of Governance and Strategic Initiatives for the AARC where she works with state affiliates as the HOD liaison. She also manages DEI efforts and strategic initiatives. Connect with her about these topics by email, AARConnect or LinkedIn. When she's not working, you can find her podcasting with her husband, exploring new hiking trails, photographing, and spending time with her family.

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