The AARC Current Topics Series: A Great Way to Provide Continuing Education

 Published: December 26, 2018

By: Heather Willden


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The AARC Current Topics DVD series is a great way for respiratory care managers to offer CRCE hours to their staffs. These programs are designed with frontline staff in mind and can provide a wealth of information on cutting-edge topics that staff may not otherwise be exposed to.

Check Out Current Topics 2018

But the series can be used by other groups and organizations in respiratory care too. Kelly Fiorino, MsRC, RRT, RRT-ACCS, from the University of Michigan-Michigan Medicine, weighs in on behalf of the Michigan Society for Respiratory Care.

“We decided to subscribe to the 2018 Current Topics series because we were looking for a way to provide education to our state society members and also provide CEUs,” Fiorino said. “By purchasing the DVDs and the license, we were able to give back to our members.

They made a real event out of it for their members too, inviting everyone to attend special sessions that started with breakfast and then segued into a few of the DVDs at a time, with breaks for the quizzes and discussion in between.

“We got a lot of positive feedback from the therapists,” she said. “They found the speakers engaging and the topics were interesting.”

Their favorite program from the 2018 series was the session titled “The Use of Non-invasive Ventilation at the End of Life.”

“It covered an issue that RTs experience, but it is not usually discussed,” Fiorino said. “The end of a patient’s life can be a difficult time for an RT, especially if there are questions about if a treatment is ethical. We thought the presenter did a great job exploring this complex issue.”

The 2019 Current Topics series will be available soon, so start thinking of ways you can put it to use, either with your individual department, your entire hospital system, or your state respiratory care society.

Email with questions or comments, we’d love to hear from you.

Heather Willden

Heather Willden is the Director of Governance and Strategic Initiatives for the AARC where she works with state affiliates as the HOD liaison. She also manages DEI efforts and strategic initiatives. Connect with her about these topics by email, AARConnect or LinkedIn. When she's not working, you can find her podcasting with her husband, exploring new hiking trails, photographing, and spending time with her family.

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