New Virtual Museum Galleries Added to AARC Site

 Published: October 8, 2015

By: AARC Staff

If it’s been a while since you’ve been to the AARC’s Virtual Museum, you’ll want to head back over for another visit. We’ve just added three new virtual museum galleries to the mix —

Aerosol Delivery Devices walks you through the development of these devices, from the earliest portable nebulizer invented in 1858 to today’s modern nebulizers for kids that come complete with pediatric-friendly designs. Along the way you’ll be amazed by the changes that have occurred as inventors sought out the best devices and interfaces for patients.

Humidifiers dating back to 1932 are featured here, documenting the progression of these devices from glass to metal to copper to plastic designs. Classic advertisements and schematics show how they worked — and the claims manufacturers made to get hospitals and the public to purchase them.

Pulmonary Tuberculosis covers treatment for this disease over more than 100 years. You’ll see early sanatoriums where patients went to recover, a seafaring TB colony, tent colonies set up to handle the influx of patients, Red Cross Christmas Seals to fight the disease, efforts to educate the public on stopping its spread (no spitting!), a unique postural drainage approach from 1925, and more. Perhaps most sobering: a World Health Organization poster from March of this year noting that TB continues to be the #2 killer worldwide due to a single infectious agent.

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