Take Down Tobacco National Day of Action 2022

 Published: March 3, 2022


photo of shoe stomping cigarettes in an effort to stop tobacco use

Friday, Apr. 1, 2022 is Take Down Tobacco National Day of Action, and, as lung health experts, respiratory therapists are uniquely positioned to help patients do just that. According to the Take Down Tobacco Day website, the day is an opportunity to empower youth to stand out and speak up against tobacco use at events across the entire U.S.

Great strides have been made in the fight against traditional tobacco use since the original campaign ‘Kick Butts Day’ launched its first campaign in 1996. However, the rising popularity of e-cigarettes is negatively affecting the many strides the campaign has made in keeping youth from partaking in tobacco products. Due to this increase ‘Kick Butts Day’ received a fresh take on the issue in 2020 and is now Take Down Tobacco National Day of Action, a campaign focused on all tobacco products, not just the ones with butts.

What can I do?

Celebrate Take Down Tobacco by organizing an event or activity for youth in your community to help raise awareness about the campaign. Also, take action and do your part to Take Down Tobacco. You can also get involved by donating to the cause.

If Apr. 1 doesn’t work with your schedule, you are encouraged to hold a Take Down Tobacco Day event at any time throughout the year. Check out the campaign’s activities database for ideas.

AARC tools

The AARC has compiled great tools and resources to help you build your skills and knowledge on tobacco cessation.

Email newsroom@aarc.org with questions or comments, we’d love to hear from you.

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