5 Points | 3 Points | 1 Point | |
Professional and/or Organizational Goals (30% weight) |
The applicant has provided a full picture of their professional and leadership goals. They have richly demonstrated what leadership means to them and how this scholarship and course will assist them in the future. The selection committee is able to gain a clear vision of the applicant’s professional life, individually and what makes them unique. | The applicant has provided information about their professional and leadership goals. They have shared their thoughts about their future that give the selection committee a general sense of the applicant’s goals and intentions from this schlarship and course and what makes them unique. | The applicant has provided little to no inofrmation about their professional and leadership goals. They share a clear idea of their leadership or how to utilize the course for the future would enable the selection committee to award a scholarship or what makes them unique |
Personal Leadership Goals (30% weight) |
The applicant clearly states and describes their educational and personal goals for the future. They demonstrate obvious ambition, drive and/or passion clarify how this program supports their path, describe a persoanl quality that will help them reach their goals and show genuine commitment to achieveing them. | The applicant generally states their personal goals for the future. They demonstrate some ambition, drive and/or passion, but may not clearly indicate how this program or personal qualities support their path. Their commitment to achieving their goals may also be somewhat unclear. | The applicant does not clearly state their personal goals for the future. Their ambition, drive, passion and commitment are unclear to the selection committee, in part because they do not inidcate how this program program or personal qualities support their path |
Community Impact: What does it mean to be a leader? (25% weight) |
The applicant has state a clear and significant impact on their concept of what leadership means. The applicant has clearly communicated their potential community impact by listing specific related programs, persons or expectations. | The applicant has made an impact onon their concept of what leadership means. , but did not include many specific or ongoing examples of efforts or concepts that can be used in the future in their community. | The applicant did not include sufficient examples of leadership or how their efforts would served in their community to demonstrate their impact to the selection committee. |
Resume/CV Accomplishments (10% weight) |
The applicant shared several accomplishments, including but not limited to persoanl, professional, work-related efforts or achievements. The selection committee gained a clear impression of their drive, initiative or comitted effort. | The applicant shared one or more accomplishments including but not limited to persoanl, professional, work-related efforts or achievements. The selection committee gaied a gerneral sense of their drive, initiative or committed effort | The applicant shared few or no accomplishments that would allow the selection committeee to gain a sense of their drive, initiative or committed effort. |
Extras (5% weight) |
Applicant has submitted multiple “Extras” in an above-and-beyond effort to help the selection committee get to know them better. The materials they shared gave the selection committee a clear vision of their goals, interests and persoanlity. | Applicant has submitted at least one “Extra” in any effort to help the selection committee get to know them better. The item’s they shared gave the selection committee some insight into the goals, interests and personailty. | Applicant included few to no “Extras” that would help the selection committee get to know them better. |