Student Engagement Book

Engage your students using ideas from fellow educators

The Student Engagement Book is a collection of experiences and ideas from educators. This resource will help educators who are looking for ways to encourage their students to see beyond the classroom to their professional organization and their careers. Feel free to print and share with your colleagues.

If you would like to discuss the ideas in this book further, AARC Education Specialty Section members should post in their community on AARConnect.

If you are interested in AARC membership or adding Education Section membership to your current AARC membership, please contact AARC Customer Service at (972) 243-2272.

As with every resource we offer, we welcome your feedback. If you have tips to share or feedback to offer, please submit them to the AARC team. If you have any questions about the resource, please email Heather Willden.

Heading to the New Era

Elevate | Engage | Advocate | Educate