Breathe Better Network Spells Opportunities for RTs

 Published: January 27, 2016

By: AARC Staff

Disease management is quickly becoming a hallmark of high quality COPD care. The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute’s COPD Learn More Breathe Better campaign is designed to help providers educate their patients about the disease, and organizations that sign up for the program’s Breathe Better Network have committed to using the campaign in that process.

Divided into three tiers of participation, the Breathe Better Network asks organizations to, at a minimum –

  • Utilize the COPD Learn More Breathe Better materials to educate their constituencies, and/or
  • Maintain a link to the COPD Learn More Breathe Better campaign on their website, and/or
  • Commit to working with other organizations to form a task force or coalition, or plan and conduct a COPD education activity, and/or
  • Implement and evaluate at least one COPD activity per year using the campaign messages and materials.

If your organization is already a partner in the Breathe Better Network, you may find opportunities for greater involvement in COPD disease management on the job. If it is not, this could be a great time to raise the idea of participation to your managers or administrators in charge of disease management activities.

The AARC is a Breathe Better Network Leadership Member, along with the American College of Chest Physicians, American Lung Association, COPD Foundation, and other leading groups and organizations.

Email with questions or comments, we’d love to hear from you.

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