2023 Sputum Bowl | What You Need to Know

 Published: April 13, 2023

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Since 1978, the Sputum Bowl has been a key component in our annual Congress meetings. Teams from across the U.S. compete for the coveted prize, and, best of all, bragging rights. It’s fun to play, as well as watch and cheer on the teams—a highlight event for many attendees. In 2004, we made a change to our Bowl with the addition of the Student Division. While this division has exponentially grown in participation and excitement over the years, sadly, the pandemic has put the competition on hold for the previous three years.

2023 Student Team Application

2023 Student Team Roster and Mandatory Meeting

The AARC has learned that several states will not be hosting Sputum Bowl competitions this year at their state meetings or unable to provide financial support to send their state champions to travel to Nashville. After thoughtful evaluation, it has been determined that to ensure a celebratory, competitive, and cost-effective competition, there must be at least 10 registered teams to host a national competition.

To maximize the likelihood of the competition taking place, any student team may register for the event. Whether you’re a state champion, runner up or a spontaneously thrown together team of students who want to test your RT trivia knowledge, there’s no restriction on who can register.

2023 Team Rules & Regulations

It is important that every team read over the rules and regulations when applying to participate.

2023 Sputum Bowl Rules & Regulations

We look forward to a robust competition and look forward to celebrating our first post-COVID Sputum Bowl champion in Nashville. The competition will be held at the annual Congress event in Nashville, TN, Nov. 5-8. Learn more about Congress.

Email newsroom@aarc.org with questions or comments, we’d love to hear from you.

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(972) 243-2272  |  info@aarc.org