Congress 2021 LIVE! Opening Keynote Speaker | To Care is Human

 Published: October 13, 2021

By: Addie Schiefer



Every year attendees look forward to hearing from the Congress Keynote speakers. This year, CF patient, author, instructor, and patient advocate, Tiffany Christensen, kicks off Congress LIVE! with a beds-eye view of respiratory care.

Go to Congress 2021 LIVE!

A patient advocate and patient experience professional, Tiffany is a life-long cystic fibrosis patient who has received two double-lung transplants and is currently receiving hemodialysis while awaiting a donor kidney.

Tiffany is Vice President for Experience Excellence at The Beryl Institute (Nashville), where she is focused on supporting the integration of patient and family perspectives, and shining a light on systemic racism in healthcare. She is also faculty for the Institute for Healthcare Improvement’s Patient Safety Executive Development and Chief Quality Officer Programs, and a member of several boards dedicated to bridging the gap between healthcare policy and the lived experience of patients.

Tiffany has authored three books exploring advocacy, end-of-life planning and partnership strategies in healthcare. A TeamSTEPPS Master Trainer and a Respecting Choices Advance Care Planning Instructor, she has previously worked in patient advocacy and engagement at Duke University Hospital (Durham) and the North Carolina Hospital Association.

About Congress 2021 LIVE!

AARC Congress is our premier educational and networking event each year, and for 2021, we’re offering you a four-day virtual event. Congress 2021 LIVE! includes learning tracks spread across four days — Dec. 1, 3, 7 and 9. With 17.39 CRCE available, topics and events cover all respiratory therapy specialties, along with student and early professional opportunities. You will also get the chance to explore the virtual exhibit halls, checking out the latest industry products and services. Register early for your best deal.

Email with questions or comments, we’d love to hear from you.

Addie Schiefer

Addie Schiefer is the Content Manager for the AARC where she creates engaging content for the association via the AARC website, newsletters, and social media. Connect with her about potential stories by email, AARConnect, or LinkedIn. When she’s not working, you can find her listening to a true crime podcast, traveling to new places with her husband, hanging out with her dog JoJo, or browsing the aisles of the nearest Target.

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