AARC Election 2023 — Raymond Pisani

Raymond Pisani


Raymond Pisani

Manager Cardiopulmonary, Sleep Disorders Center, OP Wound Center
Ochsner Medical Center
Member Since: 1983

AARC Activities:

  • AARC CoChair, 2021-2022, Standard 1.01 Task Force
  • AARC Board Member – Director At Large, 2019 – 2021
  • Fellow of the AARC (FAARC), 2014
  • AARC Committee Member – BOMA (Committee to explore Respiratory in Physician Offices and outside of acute care) 2022
  • AARC Leadership Scholarship Reviewer 2020-2022
  • AARC Board Liaison Diagnostic Section 2021-2022
  • AARC Advocacy Government Affairs Committee 2021-2022
  • AARC PACT 2015-2022
  • AARC Membership Committee 2012-2017
  • AARC State Government Affairs CoChair 2013-2017
  • AARC ByLaws 2015-2017
  • AARC Chair ByLaws 2016
  • AARC CoChair ByLaws 2015

HOD Activities:

  • House of Delegates 2010-2019
  • HOD Elections Committee 2013-2015
  • HOD CoChair Elections Committee 2015

Affiliate Activities:

  • Tristate Respiratory Care Conference Louisiana Mississippi and Alabama
    • Appointed to Board of Directors 2007 To Present
    • CoProgram Chair of Conference 2008
    • Program Chair of Conference 2009-2010
    • Chairman Tristate Conference 2011
    • Treasurer 2012-2022
    • Registration Chairman 2012-2022
    • Exhibits Chairman 2014-2016
  • Louisiana Society For Respiratory Care
    • Executive Committee 1997, 2000-2003, 2006-2017, 2019
    • Past President 2012, 2016
    • President 2010-2015
    • President Elect 2009
    • Treasurer 1997, 2000-2003, 2006-2008
    • Past Treasurer 2009
    • Parliamentarian 1998, 2000
    • Chairperson Chapter Affairs 1995-1999
    • Pelican Bowl Committee 1993
    • Budget and Audit 2001-2003, 2005-2016
    • Legislative Committee 2000, 2003-2004, 2007, 2009, 2012-2016, 2019
    • Education Committee 2001-2005, 2009-2022
    • EducationExhibits Chair 2018-2019
    • Public Relations CoChair 2000
    • RCAC 1997-2022
    • Nominations Chair 2009, 2013-2014
    • Elections Chair 2009, 2013-2014
    • ByLaws 2009-2016
    • ByLaws Chair 2012
    • LSRC Planning Committee AARC International Congress New Orleans 2012, 2019
  • LSRC Bayou Chapter 7
    • President 1993, 1994
    • Symposium Committee 1992-1994
  • Louisiana State Board of Medical Examiners
    • Gubernatorial Appointment to Louisiana State Board of Medical Examiners Advisory Committee on Respiratory Care by Governor Mike Foster 1297
    • Chairman Advisory Committee on Respiratory Care 2007 To Present

Related Organizations:

  • American Heart Association
  • BLS Instructor Training Center Faculty Ochsner Training Center 1986-Present
  • American Academy of Pediatrics
  • Neonatal Resuscitation Program Instructor 1989-Present
  • Louisiana Asthma Surveillance Collaborative Board Under Department Health Hospital Board Member 2012, 2014
  • Louisiana St. Mary Parish Hospital Service District 2 Ad Hoc Committee Member 2019-2020


  • 1986 Associate Applied Sciences
  • 2003 Bachelor of Science Degree Nicholls State University Thibodaux Louisiana
  • 1986 NBRC CRT
  • 1993 NBRC RRT
  • 1995 NBRC NPS
  • 2015 NBRC ACCS
  • 2014 AARC FAARC

Elections Committee Questions:

What do you see as the biggest challenge facing the AARC and what do you recommend to address it?

The biggest changes we’re facing as an organization is membership, perception of the AARC, advocacy, and diversity and inclusion. Recently the AARC BOD, HOD Officers and the AARC Executive Staff met to start the process of developing a new strategic plan. This process is the first step in advancing the profession forward and removing obstacles.

We need to continue to engage and stay focused with our current members and reconnect with therapist that have chosen to allow their membership to lapse. We need to understand why those memberships lapsed.

Respiratory Therapist were in the spotlight and public view during the COVID Pandemic. Members feel the AARC didn’t continue the momentum in the public eye. The AARC needs to continue to advance the focus of elevating the profession on a local, state, and national level.

As our membership becomes more diverse, a culture of diversity and inclusion needs to exist and be visible in the AARC mission and vision.

What ideas do you have to help todays Respiratory Therapist recover from the pandemic and what do you feel is the main issue Respiratory Care Practitioners are facing, and what key solutions should be addressed to support our profession?

Our Profession is dealing with a shortage of Respiratory Therapist throughout the United States. We are expected to do more with less. The COVID Pandemic has taken a toll on the medical profession as a whole. Therapist are burnt out and feel their recognition is fading. We need to look at building back resilience within the RT Profession.

A collaboration has been established with the AARC, NBRC, and CoARC, to raise public awareness for Respiratory Therapy. Hospital Management and RT Programs need to align with this collaboration to bring further awareness and recognition to the Respiratory Profession. Education, Mentorship and Shadowing needs to begin in the school systems at a young age. Most students are exposed to the health care arena by identifying with only Nurses and Doctors. All stakeholders, need to embrace and promote the concept of the Public Awareness collaboration. This will help drive students to RT Programs across the US. Students are the future.

Role-Specific Questions:

Your role as Director-at Large is to represent the general AARC membership. If given the opportunity to represent, how would you use your skills and experience to advance and advocate for the respiratory care profession?

To promote Advocacy of the Profession by engagement and mentoring.

It is imperative as professionals we ensure and sustain our value and importance throughout the healthcare arena and to continue to prove our indispensable roles as Respiratory Therapists. We need to be at the forefront of the ever-changing world of healthcare. Further communication with our State Affiliates and their Membership on the importance to align with the AARC. All members need to be on the team in order to promote and work towards achieving the platform and goals being developed in the strategic plan by the AARC.

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