Voting in AARC Election 2016 ended on Oct. 1, and President Frank Salvatore has announced the results.
The results of this year’s officers and directors election are:
Brian Walsh, MBA, RRT-NPS, FAARC
Directors at large
John Lindsey, MEd, RRT-NPS, FAARC
Doug McIntyre, MS, RRT, FAARC
Deb Skees, MBA, RRT, CPFT
Pattie Stefans, BS, RRT
Salvatore will serve the remaining year of his two-year term as president, and other continuing board members include Lynda Goodfellow, vp-internal affairs; Cynthia White, vp-external affairs; Karen Schell, secretary-treasurer; George Gaebler, past president; Cheryl Hoerr (Management Section); Ellen Becker (Education Section); Keith Lamb (Adult Acute Care Section); Natalie Napolitano (Neonatal-Pediatrics Section); Kimberly Wiles (Home Care Section) and at-large directors, Bill Lamb, Timothy Op’t Holt, and Lisa Trujillo.
Three AARC Specialty Sections also held elections, and these members were elected to serve as chair-elects:
Home Care
Zach Gantt, RRT
Marilyn Barclay, BS, RRT, CPFT
Steve Sittig, RRT-NPS, C-NPT, FAARC
Email with questions or comments, we’d love to hear from you.