Kerry McNiven
Member Since: 1978
AARC Activities:
- Director at Large 2019-present
- Membership Committee 2019- present
- Position Statement and Issue Papers Committee 2019-present
- Policy Review Committee 2019-present
- Education Section Member Recruitment Campaign 2016-2018
- Student Retention Recruitment Subcommittee 2013-2014
- Education Section Practitioner of the Year Committee 2000-2007
- Education Section Abstract Committee 2000-2007
HOD Activities:
- Co-Chair of the Bill Bitzell Committee 2019-2020
- Delegate Connecticut Society for Respiratory Care 2009-2015
- Secretary 2015-2018
- Chair and Co-Chair Student Mentorship Committee 2011-2015
- Affiliate Best Practices Committee 2009-2015
- House of Delegates Ad Hoc Committee on Student Mentorship 2010-2011
- Liaison to the Student Mentorship, Scrutinizing, Best Practices, Election and Strategic Objective #2 Committees 2016-2019
Affiliate Activities:
- Secretary Connecticut Society for Respiratory Care 1990-1996 and 2004-2007
- Board of Directors Connecticut Society for Respiratory Care 1988-1990, 1996-2003 2007-2009
- Chair Webmaster Connecticut Society for Respiratory Care 2010-present
- Chair Elections Connecticut Society for Respiratory Care 2001-2003, 2010-2018
- Chair Educators Committee Connecticut Society for Respiratory Care 2013-2014
- Chair Sputum Bow/Jeopardy Committee Connecticut Society for Respiratory Care 2004-2012
- PACT Representative Connecticut Society for Respiratory Care 2014-2015
- Program Committee Connecticut Society for Respiratory Care 2015-present
- Strategic Planning Committee Connecticut Society for Respiratory Care 2015-2016
- Scope of Practice Committee Connecticut Society for Respiratory Care 2014-2016
- Educators Committee Connecticut Society for Respiratory Care 2004 -present
- Fall Conference each year 2004-2019
Related Organizations:
- Program Planning Committee Connecticut Pulmonary Section formerly the Connecticut Thoracic Society 2006-2010, 2014-2021
- American Lung Association of Connecticut COPD Day for Practitioners and Patients 2017-2018,
- Flu Coalition Member 2002-2007, Health Resource Committee Catch Your Breath Conference Planning Committee, Special Day for Better Breather Planning Committee, COPD Conference Planning Committee, American Lung Association of Connecticut 1998-2000
- MS University of Bridgeport 1988
- BS SUNY Upstate Medical Center 1982
- RRT 1981
Elections Committee Questions:
What do you see as the biggest challenge facing the AARC and what do you recommend to address it?
The biggest challenge to the AARC is maintaining and growing our members. In my role as a Director at Large I participated in a strategic planning exercise. This activity will help to shape the AARC 2.0. I believe we need to be more supportive and responsive to the needs of our members. The AARC and its programs is the best kept secret, and we need to focus our efforts and inform and connect better with our members. We need to meet our members with a technology that meets their needs.
What ideas do you have to help todays Respiratory Therapist recover from the pandemic and what do you feel is the main issue Respiratory Care Practitioners are facing, and what key solutions should be addressed to support our profession?
The main issue Respiratory Care Practitioners are facing is falling out of love with their profession. They have worked tirelessly, understaffed and in many instances unrecognized or unthanked. The AARC is working on a public relations campaign to help others recognize that Respiratory Therapy is a career option. Increasing enrollment will help replenish the workforce. The newly published Safe and Effective Staffing Guide focuses on valued added practice and not just performing procedures. The hiring of an individual to update the Clinical Practice Guidelines to make them evidenced based will help shape the practice of Respiratory Care. By showing the value of respiratory therapist’s in patient care, and how having a respiratory therapist on the team results in positive patient outcomes, that will help bring the resect that many RTs are seeking. I believe that being a truly valued member of the patient care team will help us all re-fall in love with our profession.
Role-Specific Questions:
Promoting the profession is considered one of the greatest opportunities, what are your ideas to help realize this opportunity?
Promoting the profession is something that I did daily. I think it begins by telling others that “I am your respiratory therapist” and not just from respiratory. If each practicing RT were to introduce themselves in this manner it may begin a grassroots effort of profession identification. We, the RTs, can be our own best (or worst) advocates of the profession. As the former Director of Clinical Education, I promoted the profession and the AARC every day that I taught. I taught at Manchester Community College for over 35 years. I love being a Respiratory Therapist and was not ashamed to say it. I participated in a variety of different activities with participants in a wide range of age groups. From grammar school students participating in a “medical” summer camp, to middle and high school students exploring different medical career options during hands-on career days, I have been an active participant. In 1995 I helped develop the tech prep allied health program in our region in CT. Students earned college credit while in high school and participated in hospital shadowing opportunities at their local hospitals. The program was awarded the “State of CT Education for High Performance Award”. The program is still active.