RTs, Thank You for Fighting COVID-19

 Published: January 7, 2020

By: Jacqe Segura


COVID-19 photo

We thank respiratory therapists around the world for your patience, professionalism, hard work, sacrifice, and commitment to providing excellent patient care during the COVID-19 pandemic. Health care is constantly changing and due to recent events, we need respiratory therapists now more than ever.

Your personal and professional sacrifices do not go unnoticed. Many of you have sacrificed time with loved ones, self-care, and your own safety to provide care to those infected. It is because of you that so many patients affected by the virus have already recovered.

At the AARC, we are here to help you. We aim to be a resource for consistent and correct information regarding the virus. Beyond that, we hope you and your loved ones stay healthy and safe during this time.


Health care professionals shared the following tips for staying healthy during the COVID-19 pandemic:

  1. Personal quarantine: It may be necessary to quarantine yourself from certain family members. Help protect your family by setting up a section of your home that is off limits to those who may be vulnerable.
  2. Manage anxiety and stress: Everyone reacts differently to stressful situations. There are things you can do to reduce secondary traumatic stress.
    • Allow time for self-care
    • Give yourself time to recover from responding to the pandemic
    • Take time away from COVID-19 news coverage
    • More tips from the CDC
  3. Use your expertise to encourage loved ones to take proper precautions: Your knowledge and background in respiratory therapy gives you a great platform to provide correct information to those you know.


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Thank you to the respiratory therapists who are working tirelessly to protect Americans in the face of these times of uncertainty. Your efforts are not going unnoticed. Get AARC #COVID19 News & Resources here: https://bit.ly/2wdmkQL


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