Want to present at AARC Congress or Summer Forum 2021? The AARC invites you to send your proposal for individual lectures or symposia at our next meetings. Proposals should focus on the practice of cardiorespiratory care. Send your proposal by Jan. 13, 2021.
All Members Invited
We welcome new and experienced presenters alike to send proposals. If you believe you’re a content expert or possess unique knowledge on topics relevant to any specialty section, then we encourage you to send your proposal. Presenting at AARC Congress and Summer Forum gives you the chance to showcase your knowledge on a national stage and among your peers.
Tips for a Successful Proposal Submission
- Fully read and adhere to all instructions, this will help you complete the proposal with as much accuracy and detail as possible.
- If you are submitting a proposal on behalf of someone else, please make sure they are available during the meeting dates and they agree with the information you submit.
- Write a brief presentation description as you would like to see it in the Program and spell check before you copy paste. (This year a character count has been added, you will not be allowed to submit if you are over the limit.)
- Presentation descriptions should not include or be written as learning objectives.
- Poorly written descriptions may result in rejection of the submission.
- You will be asked to submit 2 short learning objectives for each lecture, they should be entered separately.
- Titles that are unique and creative are likely to draw more attention by the Program Committee. (This year a character count has been added, you will not be allowed to submit if you are over the limit.)
- Submit content that is current, on the cutting edge of respiratory care, and that would appeal to the intended audience.
- Before submitting, discuss your proposed lectures with your specialty section chair. They may be able to provide valuable insight as to what topics are “hot” within the section, which ones may no longer be relevant, and help avoid duplication of lectures. Current contact information for section chairs is available online.
- Speakers able to present multiple presentations are more likely to be accepted than those who can only present one.
- Speakers who are willing to present on a gratis basis and/or require little to no financial compensation may be looked upon more favorably than those requiring honorarium, travel and/or lodging support.
- Be sure you receive a confirmation that your proposal has been successfully submitted.
- Late and incomplete proposals will not be reviewed, the deadline to submit is Wednesday, Jan. 13, 2021 at 11:59 p.m. CST.
About AARC Congress
A premier international respiratory education meeting, AARC Congress attracts more than 5,000 attendees each year. AARC Congress 2021 will be held Nov. 6–9, in Phoenix, Arizona.
About Summer Forum
With sessions geared toward strengthening leadership skills, Summer Forum is the premier meeting for RT managers and educators. Summer Forum 2021 will be held July 12–14 in Bonita Springs, Florida.
Email newsroom@aarc.org with questions or comments, we’d love to hear from you.